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Does your service AI assimilate and transfer know-how?

Does your service AI assimilate and transfer know-how? | Bruviti

Organizations that make a commitment to documenting the valuable knowledge of their subject-matter experts can more quickly and effectively onboard, train, and develop the next generation of workers

By Andy Chinmulgund

Your service know-how is your competitive advantage

Consider the vast amount of knowledge that your service organization has created and accumulated over the years: user manuals, service manuals, troubleshooting guides, installation and operations guides, FAQ databases, service bulletins, customer call transcripts, field service records, images, diagrams, manuals, and how-to videos. Some of this data is structured and located in a knowledge database, while some is scattered around the organization or posted on the web.

Another rich trove of information within your organization is what’s best described as technical know-how. This is the knowledge about products, processes and customers that is not written down or published; it is in the heads of senior, experienced technicians and subject-matter experts. It’s knowledge that’s been gained and then refined by experts who have figured out the clever techniques and short-cuts that fix an appliance or machine that bit faster. 

This know-how is critical to the smooth operation of any company — and it is part of your overall competitive advantage. How can you ensure it is captured and made available to those who need it?

Much has been written about the skills gap (or training gap) that exists in the manufacturing and field-service sectors. There’s no question that as thousands of skilled workers retire each year, they take with them an enormous corpus of know-how. Those same companies are often struggling to attract younger workers to fill the void these retiring workers leave.

To ensure continuity and efficiency, every field service organization must identify their electronic (and written) knowledge and their know-how—and commit to documenting this for the benefit of incoming workers. How that knowledge is then transferred to new employees is critical; technology plays a key role here.

Bruviti helps close the skills gap and accelerates productivity

According to the Society For Human Resources Management, employees that go through a structured onboarding program are 58% more likely to still be with that organization three years later. How you deliver that training is critical. Younger workers expect a digital training and development experience that includes self-paced e-learning, video training, AR, and VR. Since most of the knowledge new technicians need to assimilate is in a digital format, think how digital technologies can be used to get your new call center and field service employees up to speed faster and more efficiently. 

And once they’re on the job, ongoing skills development is essential — and this is where AI can make a big difference. A skilled Bruviti AI that has assimilated knowledge and know-how shortens training time and helps workers become more productive, faster. For example, during a technical assist call or onsite technical assist, the Bruviti AI can draw on that deep pool of technical knowledge and expert know-to to provide contextually relevant guidance that helps technicians excel in their role while developing their expertise and expanding their know-how.

Your experts can help guide the AI

And it’s not just humans that need ongoing training and development; any expert system needs a regular infusion of know-how to make sure it stays on track. How can we ensure that our service AI is familiar with the latest models, technical issues, and diagnostics — as well as that valuable know-how acquired by experienced technicians in the field?

Unlike many ‘black-box’ systems, the Bruviti platform provides a way for your data team to enhance your service AI with the latest know-how from your top subject-matter experts, ensuring that this valuable information is available to everyone across the service and support teams.

You can learn more about this in our recent webinar about optimizing decision trees and triage rules.

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